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Arabka - Card game for Android

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Each one is dealt nine cards. Three shirts down, three shirts up (these 6 cards are put on the table in such a way that each open card should lie on top of the closed one) and three in the hand. Thus, each player will see 6 of his 9 cards.

After the cards are dealt, players have the right to change cards that are in their hands with those that lie on the table face down. You can do this only once, before the start of moves.

Rules of moves: Players alternately put the cards one on another in seniority. While the lowest card is 4, and the highest is an Ace. In one move, you can put several cards of the same value. If for one turn the player puts 4 cards of the same value, then on top he has the right to report, also by precedence, another 1 to 4 cards of the same value. If the player again puts 4 identical cards, the rule of the cards is repeated.

Also there are bonus cards: 2, 3, and 10. These cards can be covered by any others. When a player puts 2, the next after him can put any of his own on this card. If the player puts 3, then the next after it takes all the cards that were put in the previous moves, and skips the move.

In the case where the player puts 10, the cards from the previous moves and 10 itself leave the game, and the player has the right to put the card again.

If the player who has to move has no cards that can be put on the table, he must take all the cards from the previous moves. After each turn, players take cards from the deck until it is over. The turn is considered complete, at the moment when the player takes the cards from the deck.

When the deck ends, players must continue the game, using only the cards that they have in their hands. Players who remain without cards in their hands must take 3 cards that are turned upside down, which lie from the beginning of the hand, and continue the game with them in their hands. After these cards also end in the course of their turn, the player must draw one of the cards lying face down at random and play it. With 2 other closed cards do the same.

The player who is first without cards is the winner.

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