Pure PHP website

Web sites on pure php from scratch on a ready template or with your custom template.
Pure PHP website is good for special small projects supported by the same team that started them

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros:
    1. The speed of pure PHP cannot be matched by any template engine built atop.
    2. The full power of PHP is available in the output, not just an interpreted or filtered portion.
    3. Smaller price for development.
    4. Able to realise all you need, no compatability problems could stop development.
    5. Every pixel on the site, every single letter could be easily customised according to your wish
  • Cons:
    • For other developers it will be harder to support pure php code than some other cms or framework with community and tons of documentation.
    • No Added security for end-user customization. Themes in pure PHP have unconstrained ability to cause harm to user and installation. Thus a template engine removes that risk, if it is a legit one.
    • No ease of use for non-programmers, such as graphic artists or web designers.

More about template engine (CMS or framework systems):

  • Separating your application into templates with an engine makes your application less vulnerable to halting code errors
  • Using templates can give you greater flexibility in the future when refactoring because the namespace wont be directly built into the application
  • Using templates encourages (forces) developers to keep business logic and code OUT of the presentation layer.
  • Using templates it is easier to mock up datasets and pass them to a template engine and get a preview of what the site will look like with data.

Wikipedia - PHP






PHP, Angular 4.0, Bootstrap

login: admin@tms
pass: admin
This tracker is designed for a customer from Germany. However technical description we wrote out was for the most part at our discretion. In other words, they did this system of setting tasks so it is convenient for us to use it. It is currently in BETA stage. Projects progress is stopped at the moment. Go to detail page...


PHP, Web GL, node.js

The site provides an opportunity to analyze and modify information in the form of graphs. Simply put, this is another type of database, as an alternative to working with the table. For example, if you need to see friends of your friends when you have a table with two columns - two friends, and you need to see a list of friends of your friends. On the graph - it will be allocated circles of another color or graphic style.Go to detail page...



Real estate agregator for private adds from 2 websites here in Ukraine. The goal was to find adds that have been made from private persons and not from agencies to save money of our users for them not to pay the agencie fee when they rent a flat for a short time.Go to detail page...

Web GL, three.js, PHP, Bootstrap, JS(JQuery)

webGL interface for social media network to search people profiles:

Login: fox@happyuser.info
Password: test

The new web model is very similar to the Universe. People are born like stars, flying in the unknown space after the Big Bang. Easy to navigate among hundreds of millions of users, because people are visible all the time. Go to detail page...


Its a closed media network for German celebrities and successfull people. It has front end part as a interface for user to see news and comunicate in their groups and with friends.

Login: u2[at]gmail.com

Password: lsd

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